Aviation Battery Parts Catalog

Aviation batteries are critical for the operation of many functions including ground powering, fault clearing, emergency powering, and more. There are various battery types that may be implemented depending on the type of aircraft, and the two most common are lead-acid and nickel-cadmium (NiCd) batteries. Lead-acid batteries may either be valve-regulated lead-acid batteries (VRLA) or dry charged cell lead batteries and are most common for smaller private aircraft. Meanwhile, the nickel cadmium battery is more common to larger commercial and corporate aircraft. Each battery type comes with their various specifications, and manufacturer recommendations should be followed for their safe operation and maintenance.

When you are ready to begin sourcing the nickel cadmium batteries, lead-acid batteries, and battery accessories that you need, look no further than Accelerating RFQs. Explore our list of aviation battery parts to find dozens of items that are currently in stock and readily available for purchase today. We also provide customers with top requested components, including 114098, 015920-000, 410089, 015680-000/105428, and 412703 that were produced by manufacturers such as Saft, Marathon, and Hawker. Upon initiating the purchasing process, each customer is assigned a dedicated account manager who is available at any time of the day or week. Our team of industry experts are also on standby to provide rapid lead-times and competitive pricing.

We provide customers access to an unparalleled inventory of over six billion new, used, and obsolete parts and components. Quality and customer excellence is of the utmost importance to our business, and our efforts have established us as an FAA AC 00-56B accredited and ISO 9001:2015 certified enterprise. Let Accelerating RFQs be your parts procurement partner today and receive a competitive, personalized quote when you send us an Instant RFQ

Part No Manufacturer Type RFQ
G-641 Gill G-641 RFQ
33490409201 Hawker F 20/40 H1CT2(P) RFQ
023498-000 Saft 23676-2 RFQ
RG-443 Concorde RG-443 RFQ
166409 Saft 40208-1 RFQ
413657 Saft 4076-21 RFQ
413233 Saft 4078-17 RFQ
412755 Saft 27478 RFQ
27288-001 Marathon CA-16N RFQ
30126-001 Marathon SP-400 RFQ
023525-000 Saft 23576-2 RFQ
011360-000 Saft GB170 RFQ
410421 Saft 4078-5 RFQ
412786 Saft 4076-15 RFQ
023510-000 Saft 16256-3 RFQ
023167-000 Saft 4078-14 RFQ
024147-000 Saft 539CH1 RFQ
116105 Saft 4000A1-1H RFQ
32236-001 Marathon TSP-4412 RFQ
166130 Saft 2778 RFQ
415576 Saft 505CH2 RFQ
021193-000/410627 Saft 1656-6 RFQ
410687 Saft 40208-5 RFQ
410224 Saft 2778-4 RFQ
410868 Saft 2778-5 RFQ
31908-001 Marathon TSP-283 RFQ
33490389011 Hawker 20 FP 38H1CT-R RFQ
015580-000/102446 Saft 4076 RFQ
160229 Saft 4076-2 RFQ
25503-010 Marathon S-102 RFQ
31995-001 Marathon CTSP-280-1 - 1 Therm. RFQ
023773-000 Saft 2386-1 RFQ
412263 Saft 4078-12 RFQ
164747 Saft 1656-2 RFQ
412242 Saft 4059 RFQ
161172 Saft 1606-1 RFQ
28002-002 Marathon CA-54-2 RFQ
021937-000 Saft 4078-9 RFQ
7638-44 Gill 7638-44 RFQ
33490459202 Hawker F 20/44 H1C-WT RFQ
31055-001 Marathon GP-180 RFQ
024453-000 Saft 40178-24 RFQ
017692-000/167556 Saft 4076-9 RFQ
114760 Saft 4050A1-1 RFQ
414975 Saft 409CH2 RFQ
024637-000 Saft 1756-3 RFQ
3349027910 Hawker F 20/27 H1CT70 RFQ
31406-001 Marathon PTSP-400 RFQ
023673-000 Saft 40776 RFQ
120145 Saft 605 RFQ
414731 Saft 276CH RFQ
33204-001 Marathon M3-44-22 RFQ
3349025900 Hawker F 20/25 H1C RFQ
413518 Saft 40118 RFQ
39563-001 Marathon 18-S104 RFQ
30949-001 Marathon TSP-1755 RFQ
015920-000 Saft 40176-4 RFQ
3349025940 Hawker 20 FP 25H1C-R RFQ
410384 Saft 4078-4 RFQ
30441-001 Marathon BTSP-400 RFQ
415614 Saft 1658-6 RFQ
160931 Saft 605 Kit RFQ
31305-001 Marathon SP-178 RFQ
RG-35AXC Concorde RG-35AXC RFQ
114099 Saft 4000A1 V RFQ
024643-000 Saft 4017CH3 RFQ
018482-000 Saft 2376-3 RFQ
410194 Saft 4078-2 RFQ
32348-001 Marathon ATSP-900L-1 RFQ
411953 Saft 2778-7 RFQ
413799 Saft 4078-22 RFQ
33181-001 Marathon M3X-33-1 RFQ
29449-001 Marathon CA-154-7 RFQ
023663-000 Saft 40576-14 RFQ
G-25 Gill G-25 RFQ
023450-000 Saft 40678-4 RFQ
116104 Saft 4000A1-1V RFQ
166731 Saft 4071-2 RFQ
33490279600 Hawker F 20/27 H1C-M1 RFQ
024809-000 Saft 4037CH RFQ
117926 Saft 4076-3 RFQ
3349025910 Hawker F 20/25 H1CT RFQ
019654-000 Saft 40253 RFQ
023964-000 Saft 4025CH1 RFQ
023515-000 Saft 4076-11 RFQ
414471 Saft 447CH7 RFQ
33490278000 Hawker F 20/27 H1C-M3 RFQ
021904-000 Saft 43BO34LB03 RFQ
RG-380E/44LA4 Concorde RG-380E/44LA4 RFQ
162354 Saft 4076-5 RFQ
166456 Saft 2778-1 RFQ
024470-000 Saft 27578-2 RFQ
103376 Saft 2520 RFQ
31517-002 Marathon CTCA-21H-1 RFQ
410136 Saft 12101 Kit RFQ
31995-002 Marathon CTSP-280-1 RFQ
32441-002 Marathon TSP-408L-1 RFQ
166131 Saft 4079 RFQ
166763 Saft 12101 RFQ
RG-380E/44LS Concorde RG-380E/44LS RFQ
414377 Saft 40178-21 RFQ
412703 Saft 26108 Kit RFQ
3349015910 Hawker F 20/15 H1C RFQ
31879-001 Marathon DTSP-400L RFQ
3349022900 Hawker F 20/22 H1C-1 RFQ
3349038900 Hawker 20 FP 38H1C-R RFQ
412132 Saft 2778-10 RFQ
414184 Saft 26108-5 RFQ
017702-000/410763 Saft 4076-10 RFQ
017494-000 Saft 2026 RFQ
018550-000 Saft 4579 RFQ
023828-000 Saft 2376-10 RFQ
410493 Saft 4078-7 RFQ
3349025920 Hawker F 20/25 H1CT2 RFQ
3349040900 Hawker F 20/40 H1C-E1 RFQ
023521-000 Saft 23576-1 RFQ
015700-000/106408 Saft 1656 RFQ
023670-000/412724 Saft 40678-2 RFQ
021932-000 Saft 43BO50LB01 RFQ
015680-000/105428 Saft 2376 RFQ
RG24-20 Concorde RG24-20 RFQ
415449 Saft 442CH1 RFQ
023320-000 Saft 20126-2 RFQ
G-640E Gill G-640E RFQ
025008-000 Saft 40178-26 RFQ
RG-380E/40L Concorde RG-380E/40L RFQ
023495-000 Saft 23676-1 RFQ
016392-000/117481 Saft 40176-7 RFQ
024976-000 Saft 4079-10 RFQ
G-244 Gill G-244 RFQ
G-240 Gill G-240 RFQ
413337 Saft 4078-16 RFQ
412076 Saft 2778-9 RFQ
114725 Saft 4071-1 RFQ
019438-000/167214 Saft 2376-5 RFQ
414218 Saft 276CH1 RFQ
020412-000 Saft 401176-9 RFQ
31923-002 Marathon TSP-281 RFQ
3349027960 Hawker F 20/27 H1C-M RFQ
410920 Saft 23578 RFQ
410426 Saft 23491 RFQ
31718-002 Marathon TCA-1742 RFQ
RG-380E/44KS Concorde RG-380E/44KS RFQ
33490389010 Hawker 20 FP 38H1CT2-R RFQ
023694-000 Saft 4078-19 RFQ
31455-001 Marathon TSP-9117A RFQ
413347 Saft 4078-11 RFQ
RG-126 Concorde RG-126 RFQ
CB24-380E Concorde CB24-380E RFQ
G-35 Gill G-35 RFQ
166591 Saft 2378-2 RFQ
023044-000/459265 Saft 4071-3 RFQ
018718-000/410408 Saft 4078 RFQ
413042 Saft 4076-17 RFQ
410090 Saft 4078-1 RFQ
RG-380E/44LA5 Concorde RG-380E/44LA5 RFQ
160786 Saft 23476 RFQ
RG-380E/60K Concorde RG-380E/60K RFQ
410385 Saft 1658 RFQ
022019-000 Saft 4078-10 RFQ
30596-001 Marathon SP-376 RFQ
023311-000 Saft 40576 RFQ
413658 Saft 2778-18 RFQ
32890-001 Marathon M3-44-15 RFQ
RG-380E/44C-1 Concorde RG-380E/44C-1 RFQ
024632-000 Saft 4078-24 RFQ
415957 Saft 276CH10 RFQ
28656-002 Marathon CA-154-1 RFQ
27518-002 Marathon 27518-002 RFQ
G-242S Gill G-242S RFQ
411399 Saft 4078-8 RFQ
167468 Saft 40206-2 RFQ
115967 Saft 4076-1 RFQ
G-6381E Gill G-6381E RFQ
458609 Saft 2778-14 RFQ
114733 Saft 2353-1 RFQ
410001 Saft 2778-2 RFQ
28002-001 Marathon CA-54-1 RFQ
114769 Saft 1656-1 RFQ
412437 Saft 4078-13 RFQ
30703-002 Marathon TMA-5-20C RFQ
415019 Saft 4076-23 RFQ
414258 Saft 26108-6 RFQ
410089 Saft 40208-2 RFQ
410084 Saft 27178-2 RFQ
30554-01C Marathon SP-170A RFQ
G-242 Gill G-242 RFQ
410861 Saft 23491-3 RFQ
37067-001 Marathon S106CD RFQ
410075 Saft 1608-1 RFQ
112695 Saft 23176 RFQ
RG24-15 Concorde RG24-15 RFQ
RG-380E/44K Concorde RG-380E/44K RFQ
024705-000 Saft 5317CH-1 RFQ
RG-355 Concorde RG-355 RFQ
016592-000/102390 Saft 4071 RFQ
162707 Saft 4006A-1H RFQ
162041 Saft 4006AH RFQ
G-641-SH297NM Gill G-641-SH297NM RFQ
33490409209 Hawker F 20/40 H1C-T3 RFQ

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